A Young Feminist



NYTimes Effects of Rape

How can our society ignore the effects of rape and focus only on the fact that these boys get punished? There’s so much more to such is vile act as rape than punishing the offender. How about the victim? It doesn’t just go away after a few years as it does for the offender who eventually gets released from lockup. 


Really? This is supposed to be for WOMEN, not what women can do to please a man. How about the other way around for once.

“Why are you so angry?”

She is the first female Chancellor of Germany.  Forbes named her the world’s most powerful woman for the second year in a row as well as naming her the world’s fourth most powerful person, the highest ranking achieved by a woman.  She spent her early years as a physicist and chemist after earning her doctorate in 1978.  In 1990, she joined the Christian Democratic Union political party after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany.  she was quickly appointed to the cabinet as minister to women and youth.  She was later named Secretary-General of the CDU for 2 years and elected chairperson in 2000. She ran unsuccessfully for chancellor in 2002.  In 2005, she won the chancellorship against her opponent by just 3 seats.  In 2007, she became President of the European Council.  And she’s a woman.  She was pivotal in the negotiations for the  Treaty of Lisbon and the Berlin Declaration which amended the two treaties that make up the European Union constitution as well as celebrated the anniversary of the European Union’s predecessor.  She is integral in managing the European and international financial crisis.  She is also looking to achieve healthcare reform and energy conservation developments. 

She has made great achievements through her political platform, not only for Germany, but the world.  Her place in politics furthers women’s strength in government.

“Angela Merkel.” 2012. The Biography Channel website. Nov 28 2012, 05:17http://www.biography.com/people/angela-merkel-9406424.


Just an fyi guys, you can download Beyonce’s video of her UN performance of “I Was Here” from iTunes for FREE! I’m not a Beyonce fan, but I was so touched that it’s actually the first song I ever spent money on from iTunes. Then I saw the video was free after I was prepared to buy that too. So happy!

This Is Personal

After today’s class, I got really riled up because although I didn’t really follow the presidential campaign, I knew I wasn’t about to vote for Romney for the sole reason of his view on women’s reproductive rights. This is a page I found on Facebook that I felt really relates to our discussions from the past two weeks. Hope you enjoy!


If only!