A Young Feminist

Discrimination Still Exists?

Discrimination because of race is still so common even though there are laws against it.  However, there are other types of discrimination based on race even though they aren’t the stereotypical types.  For example, discrimination exists in the market for scholarships.  I don’t mean to sound negative or like I’m being racist and superior because I’m not, but whites are discriminated against.  When taking the SAT or PSAT you can check off a box about your race and whether or not you’d like to be considered for a scholarship specifically for black people.  There are scholarships for Hispanics, Latinos, and Asians.  But there aren’t any white-only scholarships like there are for minorities.  It’s wrong to have scholarships that exclude minorities but it’s okay to have scholarships that exclude the majority?  I feel discriminated against for being white.  Just because my ancestors where scumbags, doesn’t mean I am.  We should be past this by now.  I don’t treat people badly for being different than myself.  And although this post begs otherwise, that’s not the case.  My point is, discrimination exists in new forms.  In the fight to destroy discrimination against those shunned in the past, we are discriminating against a new group: the majority.  Just because I’m in the majority, it doesn’t mean I should be precluded from scholarship opportunities.  By encouraging these race-based scholarships, we just facilitate humanity’s division and continue the cycle.  Except now, it’s not because we believe other races are inferior; it’s because they get an advantage for being a minority.  I’m aware that my race makes me different from others even though that’s not something we should be focusing on.  I’m not hating on those who are different from me.  I just believe that these minority categories make it difficult to have equality.  By now, we should understand how detrimental discrimination is and work towards equality.  But government sanctioned actions such as the separation of scholarships and who deserves money based on race is absurd.  Minorities shouldn’t exist anymore.  We can’t just focus on gender equality and closet our race issues like we’re past them because we’re not.  I thought we were beyond that as a nation.

Fortunately, I don’t receive much discrimination for being white or female or part of the middle class.  Except that one comment about my boobs which I discussed in a previous post.  But I am discriminated against for being smart.  At least I was before college.  My classmates called me “the dumbest smart person I ever met” because I wasn’t in on social news or sports.  And I lacked some common sense and social skills because no one would talk to me.  How was I supposed to know anything if no one interacted with me?  I just tried to ignore it and hoped that college would be a better experience, and it has.  I know my brains will take me further than theirs in life.  My knowledge of discrimination and bias has helped me handle situations more maturely, and I make better decisions about what’s worth fighting about and what isn’t.  My experiences shaped me into who I am.

Comments on: "Discrimination Still Exists?" (3)

  1. Gabrielle, forgive me!!! I posted journal questions for my other class on Racism and Sexism on our Women in Social Media page and I see you thought I was assigned it to you! I am so sorry but your work is not done in vain, I am going to count this as extra credit. 🙂

    • Yay! Thank you! I thought it was a little odd that it didn’t coincide with what we’ve been discussing in class and that no one else had done it…but I didn’t want to not do it and not get a good grade! No wonder no one else did it.

      • You have been most attentive on your blog and do not have to worry in the least about receiving a poor grade….your doing outstanding, keep it up!

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