A Young Feminist

Archive for September, 2012


 I saw this on…



I saw this on Facebook and just had to post it after our discussion on body image last week. It’s a funny picture, but it really just shows how society encourages us to have issues with our bodies, like we’re not beautiful the way we are…

Time Magazine May 2012 Reaction

Wow. Bold. On a personal level, I don’t agree with breast feeding a child for so long. It’s not so much that I feel like she’s a bad mother; I just feel like there’s a better way to raise your child or portray yourself to the world. I realize there are other ways of parenting which is why everyone turns out differently and allows for all of the diversity in this world. And  agree with allowing others to do that.

I’ve never read the article and don’t know what attachment parenting is, but the title and caption seem to contradict each other. “Are You Mom Enough” makes me believe that it’s targeting women as being poor mothers because they don’t breastfeed their children until they’re 3 or older (btw, that kid looks way older than 3, but maybe that’s a result of all that breast feeding). However, the caption implies that these long-time breast feeders are taking it too far. It’s a little hard to understand whether or not it’s a negative or positive portrayal of women because it’s that contradiction combined with the implication that the mom on the cover feels empowered and proud that she still breast feeds her child. It implies that motherhood is a powerful force, yet the way to raise a child should be determined by society, not the mother herself. Because this kind of breast feeding isn’t the norm, it would spark thoughts on the principle causing everyone to formulate an opinion on how children should be raised which they would then shove down other people’s throats when they saw something amiss in the mothering world. If it wasn’t an attempt to make everyone raise their children the same, why would they have even published such a photo? To attempt to create a more uniform society that can be more easily controlled by appealing to specific emotions and convictions. 

Pam Anderson for PETA.


Really? Just her name makes women everywhere shudder at the thought of being a woman. Especially if this is how they’re advertised by a charity organization. PETA is attempting to encourage being a vegetarian by displaying how we’re alike, but they should have thought it through before exploiting a different kind of animal by being sexist.


New Posts?

Really enjoying all the new posts everyone is putting up 🙂 Getting a lot more into this than I thought I would.


